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Licensed Psychologist. Hope Dealer. Community Builder. Wellness Transformer. Fellow Sojourner. 

Welcome! I am thrilled that you are considering ways to improve your wellbeing in mind, body and spirit!  

Like many high achieving Black women, I wore multiple hats, although in my case not so well. It took a medical emergency for me to reimagine how I wanted to live and show up for my life and those I love. I had a come to Jesus moment and embraced the changes that I needed to make to get the life I imagined. It was new, uncomfortable and at times scary, but I knew it had to be done. I realized I had to show up for myself first if I wanted to be there for my family and the community. I was given the gift of time to discern, reflect and develop a plan for the life I get to enjoy today. My community showed up for me and helped me move forward. 

It took a personal health crisis to remind me that I don’t have to be a superwoman nor heal alone in isolation. I got the opportunity to rewrite my life’s course and I want to help those who are ready to do the same. How do you desire to live? What brings you joy and how do you get to show up for those moments? These are but a few of the questions we can explore together. 

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Dr. Tina Armstrong, PhD (PSY 23406) is a licensed clinical psychologist with a thriving practice centered on the health and wellbeing of Black women.

She is also an associate professor of clinical psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary and is the principal investigator of the Black Women’s Spirituality research lab and consultation group.  Her passion is creating spaces where Black women can live connected and flourish!”

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Things that Bring Me Joy

Playing in the garden as a I build a mini food forest

Good coversations and time connecting with friends

Painting on a fresh canvas with acrylics

Sharing a good meal with others

Going on adventures with my family

Times of Prayer and Meditation

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